Tonight, I set my research parameters to "visually interesting garbage," fell into Vimeo, and came out with these. My publication of these videos in list format is not endorsement or disparagement of any particular band, artist, religion, food item, livestock rearing technique, or drug. Actual plot lines may vary.
Alagoas “Ghosts” / Music Video
Highly-effective appropriation of native american images and rituals for the exaltation of blindingly white aspiration-core indie rock. A witch drinks some drugs and has a vision, thereafter pulls a fungus elemental out of a portal and dances joyously with it. The spirit's rainbow spores infect the whole tribe, resulting in eventual genocide I'm guessing.
Live action sitcom starring an old general, a lonely housewife, and their boring sons. Cats start jumping out of the stereo and the children poke at vegetables and porkchops with 6.35 mm headphone plugs. Then the stereo explodes.
“Batongo- La notte Dei Tempi”
Man spends a lonely Saturday night putting on an art show for no one and records it on a vintage super 8 camera. Intercut with flash-forward scenes of him partying at a nightclub, having made millions with his high effort, low quality art memes. Presumably he gets laid.
The Shoes Ft. Dominic Lord - 1960’s Horror
Animal rights fever dream. First, the cruelties industrial chicken farming are demonstrated in gory detail. Then, the products then seize the means of production, and giant roosters destroy several major landmarks. A skeezy hipster is filmed humping poultry. Dope rhymes, too.