Saturday, March 26, 2011

the disney future

In the future people will never have to move or touch the outside world. Also, octohedron highway signs

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Barrio shoegaze? Tattoed Tears by Ice Cream Shout

I never thought Mexican-american streetgangs and suburban dream pop could work so well.

If curious, the video footage comes from a documentary called Children of Violence, about the lifes of kids in a hispanic street gang in Oakland. A shitty (but I'm so glad it's there) cam recording of it can be found on youtube at the moment. (liiiiiink)

Also, mp3.

Viva el Morrissey

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Hacker posts video on youtube, get sentenced to 9 years

What, you mean posting a video of a break in and malicious installation of bot software on legally protected hospital computers is going to be seen by more than my loser hacker e-friends? Man, things have changed on the internet.

What I love about this video is his occasional rebel sneers. You don't need slick 90's techno and pvc jackets to see that in his head this guy is a web 2.0 incarnation of Zero Cool in a hoodie, a covert cyber rogue in the employ of.... THE ELECTRONIC TRIBULATION ARMY. Taking a look at his internet gang's website will basically show you all you need to know. If these people are enemies to Anonymous then I think I prefer the latter's sophisticated retardation to ETA's tricked out robot skulls and dubstep. who the fuck still thinks green and black command line aesthetics are still cool? Furthermore, Anonymous would likely be better at REMAINING ANONYMOUS.

Here's the story on
